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Rolling With The Stones 120712 BBC-R2


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On the 50th anniversary of their live debut at London's Marquee Club (12 July 1962), Jerry Hall examines how The Rolling Stones earned their reputation as one of the world's greatest rock 'n' roll bands.

Playing live has been the fuel that has driven The Rolling Stones for 50 years, as they progressed from small London clubs to the world's largest arenas, with "the road" their home away from home. For their fist gig they were paid £20 - for their last tour they were paid £323 million!

This programme features interviews with people who have been fortunate enough to live and work with The Rolling Stones while on tour, including Harold Pendleton, founder of The Marquee; Marshall Chess, President of Rolling Stones records; Sam Cutler, tour manager in the 60s and 70s; Albert Maysles director of Gimme Shelter; photographer Ethan Russell; Georgia Bergman, the Stones PA from 67- 72; Ron Schneider, The Stones Business Manager; authors Stanley Booth, Robert Greenfield and Michael Lydon.

We also hear from promoter John Giddings, who brought the Rolling Stones back to the Isle of Wight in 2007. He reveals the logistics of taking a massive tour on the road, as 130 stage crew get 400 tonnes of gear stacked in to 120 lorries and 12 tour buses from one city to the next.

BBC 6 Music Celebrates: The Rolling Stones all through July, marking this 50th anniversary with documentaries, interviews and live highlights from the BBC Archive. For more information visit bbc.co.uk/6music.




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