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BBC - In Search of the Wolf


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Wolfman Jack was a legendary figure long before George Lucas made him famous through his film American Graffiti – the DJ every true fan longed for, wild, bold, unmistakeable, unmissable. In this two-part documentary Nick Barraclough explores who he was and where he came from, discovering a lonely 1950s adolescent in New Jersey, Bob Smith, tuned to pirate radio station XER blasting all the way up from Mexico. Ten years later he took it over, fighting off bandits, becoming the untamed DJ of his dreams. Barraclough goes south of the US border to learn how.

Two episodes of 30 minutes each.

Episode 1: He tells the stories of Pappy Lee O'Daniel, who used station XER to sell flour and become Senator for Texas, the preachers who sold splinters from the cross and signed photographs of Jesus Christ, and Wolfman Jack, the man who would go on to become the first great rock 'n' roll DJ.

Episode 2: He continues the Wolfman Jack story, from Wolfman's days as a renegade radio DJ to his appearance in the cult movie American Graffiti.

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