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RNI 15 Maart 1971 Dave Rogers en Alan West

Henk-Anna Loog

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Wat heeft Alan West later gedaan



'' A RADIO disc jockey who set up community stations in Gwent was branded "pure evil" by police after admitting "horrific" internet child pornography offences yesterday.


His computer contained words and images detailing sexual abuse, mutilation and torture of children.


Former pirate and regional BBC DJ Alan Fossey, who set up Cwmbran's Crow FM and Blaenavon's WHAM! Radio and internet station Toradio, admitted a catalogue of offences.


He pleaded guilty to two counts of publishing articles under the Obscene Publications Act, two charges of distributing indecent images of children and 23 counts of making indecent images of children.


Prosecutor Caroline Rees told Newport crown court Fossey's 350,000 word writings posted on the internet were "very shocking in the extreme".


The offences were committed between July 2003 and September this year and also amounted to 4,405 indecent images of children.


Leighton Hughes, defending Fossey, aged 58, of Broad Street, Blaenavon, asked for sentence to be adjourned for the preparation of reports.

He said Fossey "appreciates this is going to attract a substantial period of imprisonment".'' 


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