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Found 15 results

  1. Hello, everyone. My name's Lee, and since Laser's 40th anniversary is upon us, I've been on the lookout for recordings from the station's first day on the air, 24 May 1984.. Together with my own recordings and those on the azanorak archive I now have a large part of that day, but there are still several gaps which it would be nice to fill. I see that on this very forum, Vincent once posted links to cassette recordings covering the period from 0700-0030, but that was back in 2013 and the links were to zippyshare which of course is no longer available. https://www.radiotrefpunt.nl/forums/topic/32666-24-05-1984-laser-558/#comment-84997 Is there any chance these recordings could be re-posted? On a related topic, a friend of mine is currently transferring a number of reel-to-reel recordings featuring Caroline and Laser from 1984-7, including some material from Laser's first (and as it turned out, only) birthday, and I've also found some cassettes of Laser's music tests and Caroline and Laser programmes from May-June 1984, which I'll try to get transferred as soon as possible.
  2. Cleaned by Oldies 45 Locatel-DenHaag-19910831-30min-OverOffshoreRadio https://pixeldrain.com/u/L6T4nEDx
  3. Nederlandse top 40 van 10-04-1982 Rob van Wezel op 06-04-2019 - 13.00 - 16.00 uur
  4. Van de Golden Radio NL server EZFM - 12042008 - Archive Hour - The Rusty Ships - part 2 https://pixeldrain.com/u/iKHjPw-B
  5. Van de Golden Radio NL server, met dank aan Jean-Pierre Legein Nowthatsradio.UK - 13082007 - 0425-0524 UK Time - SRE - Archive - Offshore Radio Remembered https://pixeldra.in/u/27N-15
  6. 14 aug. 07.00 - 16.00 uur: Dag van de Britse Zeezenders uit de 60's op Vintage Music Radio 1485 khz AM vanuit Vlissingen www.vintagemusicradio1485.nl aug.14th 06.00 - 15.00 uur: British Offshore 60's Radioday on Vintage Music Radio 1485 khz AM from Vlissingen www.vintagemusicradio1485nl bericht van Jan Veldkamp
  7. Radio Noordzee - Soulshow - Ferry Maat - 02-12-1973 Wim
  8. Caroline 576 - Dave Ridchards - 06-08-1984 Bron: eigen opname Wim
  9. Van de Golden Radio NL server. Al heel lang geleden verzameld en toen nog in het begin van zo'n leuke zeezender verzameling aan opnames. Alles maar in 1 top gezet - een lading rommel, maar je weet nooit of er toch wat leuks tussenzit, waarvan je denkt .... Hoe kan dat nou ? Toch niet eerder gehoord, maar mogelijk zal dat wel niet voorkomen. Er zit zelfs een opname van Herbert Visser bij en een Mi Amigo studio opname. Toen ik die plaatjes bij een 60s station hoorde, dacht ik... het zouden de jaren 80 kunnen zijn, alleen dan op FM. Je hoorde o.a. I love candy. En toch zijn het de geluiden van zenders die we toen mooi vonden (en nu nog) british-pirate-radio-bbc1-ship-to-shore1 https://pixeldra.in/u/zl519q Radio 355 01 https://pixeldra.in/u/AiIo8b Radio 355 a1 https://pixeldra.in/u/WPVOZp Radio 355 a2 https://pixeldra.in/u/Ty-_ig Radio Antwerpen 001 https://pixeldra.in/u/ctsyK4 Radio Atlanta 001 https://pixeldra.in/u/ktiFrj Radio Atlanta 1A https://pixeldra.in/u/Y1ZgRf Radio Atlanta 02 https://pixeldra.in/u/tOc03G Radio Atlanta a1 https://pixeldra.in/u/jyoe8d Radio Atlanta a3 https://pixeldra.in/u/_kqEoO Radio Atlantis https://pixeldra.in/u/1hkkNF Radio Invicta 1A https://pixeldra.in/u/30EypC Radio Invicta 02 https://pixeldra.in/u/fUWytg Radio Mi Amigo 03 https://pixeldra.in/u/e39gze Radio Monique 04 https://pixeldra.in/u/n_pKWS World In Action Free Radio https://pixeldra.in/u/Q2HRFg
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