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  1. martinja

    Radio Centraal Den Haag

    00-00-1985 Radio Centraal Den Haag interview met Gerard van dam https://pixeldrain.com/u/vmHpcxmp
  2. VOO-H1-19760126-2255-2355-HenkTerlingen https://pixeldrain.com/u/Nffp_yym Cleaned by Oldies 45 VOO-H3-06121985AdamCurry1000-1100 https://pixeldrain.com/u/b3CfTzfB VOO-H3-06121985AdamCurry1100-1200 https://pixeldrain.com/u/IdeEGqm3 VOO-H3-06121985BartVanLeeuwen0700-0800 https://pixeldrain.com/u/Nt6ANH_0
  3. martinja

    Radio Jackie

    Van de Golden Radio NL server Radio Jackie 00-00-1969-71 Assorted Recordings https://pixeldrain.com/u/DX5KEtVb Radio Jackie 00-00-1985 The LP https://pixeldrain.com/u/KsVewtWZ Radio Jackie 04-02-1985 Final Hour https://pixeldrain.com/u/ATZEttRQ
  4. martinja

    Laser 558

    Van de Golden Radio NL server, met dank aan Eddie 85.08.13 2100-2145 L558 Charlie Wolf Euroseige https://pixeldrain.com/u/8z5Eq7Eg 85.08.13 2235-0005 L558 Charlie Wolf https://pixeldrain.com/u/JJ8SpbXp 85.08.14 2100-2230 L558 Charlie Wolf https://pixeldrain.com/u/fqLbPRRd 85.08.27 1810-1944 L558 Charlie Wolf https://pixeldrain.com/u/gXy9HPhi 85.08.29 0810-0910 L558 Erin Kelly https://pixeldrain.com/u/BcPmhZX3 85.08.29 2100-2200 L558 Charlie Wolf https://pixeldrain.com/u/NuwLTXnY 85.08.29 2200-2300 L558 Charlie Wolf https://pixeldrain.com/u/SbqJaHg2 85.09.07 2200-2300 L558 Charlie Wolf https://pixeldrain.com/u/7p4Eo95i
  5. martinja

    Radio Monique 1985 --->

    Met dank aan Vincent 1985-09-05 - Radio Monique - 1000-1100 - Joost den Draayer (Studiotape) https://pixeldrain.com/u/vFNbdhgy 1985-09-05 - Radio Monique - 1100-1200 - Joost den Draayer (Studiotape) https://pixeldrain.com/u/tvyVdHgr
  6. TROS-H1-1985 08 02-2000-2100-Gerard de Vries - In gesprek met Frans Nienhuys https://pixeldrain.com/u/oBwFYCBj
  7. Helaas verder geen gegevens - wie de datum kan uitzoeken: graag en dank Radio Mi Amigo - Top 50 - Bert de Groef - 29 juni 1985 https://pixeldrain.com/u/LjBLrC2p
  8. Richard Harvey - Variations On The Theme Of Terrahawks Dit nummer staat al in de lijst en kan worden aangevuld. Ferry Eden meldde dat dit nummer in 1985 een tijd werd gebruikt als tune voor de wekelijkse Top 50 op Radio Monique. Richard Harvey - Variations On The Theme Of Terrahawks This song is already in the list and can be added to. Ferry Eden reported that for a time in 1985, this song was used as the tune for the weekly Top 50 on Radio Monique. No aircheck at the moment
  9. Van de Golden Radio NL server Radio Sinjaal - Geert Kinnaert & Daniel De Laet - 01 05 1985 - 2300 - 2400 - Het verhaal - Peter Van Dam https://pixeldrain.com/u/QkpzULc1
  10. martinja

    Radio Monique 3

    Monique-19851121-0900-1000-WalterSimons-3om3verzoek https://pixeldrain.com/u/BDhV6TDR Monique-19851125-1000-1100-JoostDenDraaijer-JoostMagHetWeten https://pixeldrain.com/u/fmHPUhxB
  11. martinja


    BFBS-19851222-JohnnieWalker-ChristmasShow-93min https://pixeldrain.com/u/sGHvS3Mp
  12. martinja

    Radio Monique

    Monique-19850525-1000-1200-JoostDenDraaijer https://pixeldrain.com/u/arBjjSGe Monique-19870501-0700-0830-NicoStevens https://pixeldrain.com/u/q94zfKpS Monique-19870501-0830-0900-NicoStevens https://pixeldrain.com/u/YMzfZBAP
  13. KRO Hitjes en datjes Peter Koelewijn 19 05 1985 https://pixeldrain.com/u/oSwVBKyn
  14. martinja

    Radio Eemland 1985

    Eemland-19850715-1200-1300-Ernst van de Woude https://pixeldrain.com/u/F91RgeYg Eemland-19850722-Nonstop Muziek https://pixeldrain.com/u/N5WfAq8e
  15. martinja

    Caroline 1976 - 1989

    Van de Golden Radio NL server, met dank aan Jean-Pierre Legein Caroline - 02111986 - 1143-1246 Hour - Dave Owen https://pixeldra.in/u/0pf9cu Caroline - 13071985 - Susan Charles https://pixeldra.in/u/gLX_BC Caroline - 13121979 -1314-1331 + 1337-1354 Uur - Ad Roberts https://pixeldra.in/u/ag7Sok Caroline - 26031989 - Steve Conway + Caroline Martin - 25 Years Caroline http://www53.zippyshare.com/v/NiSqaQjU/file.html Caroline - 28031986 - 1000-1031 + 1031-1101 Hour - Peter Philips http://www73.zippyshare.com/v/PavS7RTj/file.html Caroline - 31081974+01091974 - Peter Hayes + Tony Allen - Caroline Continues http://www115.zippyshare.com/v/SKYVUOYe/file.html Caroline 558 - 02111986 - Dave Owen http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/BjcBXeCw/file.html Caroline 558 - 07061988 - 0500-0600 Hour - Keith Francis http://www51.zippyshare.com/v/2SQeUp1f/file.html Caroline 558 - 16021988 - Richard Lee http://www73.zippyshare.com/v/1XS0hYKJ/file.html Caroline 558 - 16041987 - Mick Williams Part 1 https://pixeldra.in/u/pK2eKw Caroline 558 - 16041987 - Mick Williams Part 2 https://pixeldra.in/u/eZnBXq Caroline 558 - 18071986 - Tony Christian http://www40.zippyshare.com/v/L7LPI4FO/file.html Caroline 558 - 20061986 - David Andrews Show http://www98.zippyshare.com/v/BfUOnfNx/file.html Caroline 558 - 24051976 - Stuart Russel Show http://www89.zippyshare.com/v/cbWoTUTR/file.html Caroline 558 - 27061986 - John Dwyer http://www51.zippyshare.com/v/MhKRXRN4/file.html Caroline 559 - 07111989 - 1001-1134 Hour - Neil Gates + Peter Chicago.Part 1+2 http://www39.zippyshare.com/v/RwPvvcw9/file.html Caroline 576 - 04091985 - 1000-1031 + 1032-1101 Hour - Peter Philips http://www3.zippyshare.com/v/jz1oEm9C/file.html
  16. Airchecks Voice of Peace Don Stevens june 21st and 23rd as well as July 2nd 1985 studio quality 95 min https://filesender.surf.nl/?s=download&token=83323a6b-e581-481c-bbe2-925b35acbbde
  17. Van de Golden Radio NL server Stadsradio Reflex Mechelen 100.1 FM - 19851101 - 5 Jaar Radio Reflex Deel 1-Retroradio https://pixeldrain.com/u/KoM5uGQe Stadsradio Reflex Mechelen 100.1 FM - 19851101 - 5 Jaar Radio Reflex Deel 2-Retroradio https://pixeldrain.com/u/xvxFuomN
  18. martinja

    Laser 558 1985 - 1987

    Van de Golden Radio NL server, met dank aan Jean-Pierre Legein Laser 558 - 04091985 - 0900-1000 Hour - Erin Kelly http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/fLe7Fqnu/file.html Laser 558 - 13071985 - Erin Kelly On Laser 558 https://pixeldra.in/u/c45vf4 Laser 558 - 27121984 - Rik Harris http://www3.zippyshare.com/v/WP6oppOo/file.html Laser Hot Hits - 02121986 - 1240-1410 Hour - Laser Is Back With John ' Rock ' N Roll ' Anthony http://www31.zippyshare.com/v/zApqnnaw/file.html Laser Hot Hits - 03121986 - Testtransmission - Nonstop http://www63.zippyshare.com/v/bhmvEFJP/file.html Laser Hot Hits 576 - 12021987 - 1400-1447 Hour - DL Bogart https://pixeldra.in/u/bRlRM2 Laser Hot Hits 576 - 12021987 - 1500-1547 Hour - Brenda Lee https://pixeldra.in/u/cO0ikx Laser Hot Hits 576 - 18031987 - 1600-1630 Hour - Brenda Lee Part 1 https://pixeldra.in/u/FZ7RS2 Laser Hot Hits 576 - 18031987 - 1631-1700 Hour - Brenda Lee Part 2 https://pixeldra.in/u/gyzv2l Laser Hot Hits 576 - 24011987 - 1030-1130 Hour - Testtransmission - Nonstop https://pixeldra.in/u/fYGoiX
  19. Herman Stok met gast Drs. P https://pixeldrain.com/u/4S5J1oum
  20. Zeer veel dank aan degene die dit ooit geupload heeft naar of de offshore Radio download groep of Golden Radio NL Radio Dixicana 27 09 1985 -1 https://pixeldrain.com/u/b2bAbzwi Radio Dixicana 27 09 1985 -2 https://pixeldrain.com/u/tbEjgL5K
  21. martinja

    Laser 558-1985 01 11

    Laser558-19850111-1000-1100-RickHarris https://pixeldrain.com/u/S9TMbc88 Laser558-19850111-1100-1200-HollyMichaels https://pixeldrain.com/u/URTq5Pyn
  22. 1 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 1 Nrs. 100-89 https://pixeldrain.com/u/J78rYSGC 2 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 2 Nrs. 88-77 https://pixeldrain.com/u/9RLpZei6 3 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 3 Nrs. 76-65 https://pixeldrain.com/u/Hy93Kogh 4 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 4 Nrs. 64-51 https://pixeldrain.com/u/gxf4N2y6 5 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 5 Nrs. 50-40 https://pixeldrain.com/u/JXQ89Chd 6 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 6 Nrs. 39-28 https://pixeldrain.com/u/M8YkxcLi 8 Radio Veronica's Single Top 100 1985 - 8 Nrs. 12-1 https://pixeldrain.com/u/GPAHPEA2 Nog niet af - morgen meer
  23. martinja

    Radio Monique 1985 08 31

    Radio Monique 1985.08.31 1200-1335 Monique 50 - Maarten de Jong https://pixeldrain.com/u/ajYQM7gD Radio Monique 1985.08.31 1417-1600 Monique 50 - Peter de Groot https://pixeldrain.com/u/aeB8KSV5
  24. Van de Golden Radio NL server Radio Groeistad Bart Serlie aca Ben Hof ...laatste Drie draai 1985 https://we.tl/t-UdXlGXdFWT
  25. Caroline-19850825-0900-1030-JohnLewis https://pixeldrain.com/u/ajpw11DW Caroline-19860814-0930-1100-KevinTurner https://pixeldrain.com/u/QHvj3Czb
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