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Tony Allan on Radio Scotland


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Good recording of Tony Allan on 242 from 2250-2350 on July 10th 1967


Great recording in this superb quality. I used to listen to 242 for many many hours, they had a good signal in the North of Holland, even when they were in the Irish Sea as Radio Scotland and Ireland.

Paul de Haan

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  • 2 years later...

Here it is, I did some work on the quality of the recording for aging anorak ears.

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Later on today I'LL repost the one from Scotty< Ben Healy>, working now on speed and soundquality.

BTW, on Scotland there were loads of commercial script to be read by the deejays. Here's a local station from Aberdeen I like to listen to, reminds me a bit of the old 242.

Please login or register to see this link.


Paul de Haan


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Okay Juul, das een probleem waar ik zo geen oplossing voor heb, ik luister via mijn wifi radio, ooit lukte dat en dat blijft tot op heden werken. Op een laptop krijg je dus dat postcode verhaal?

Paul de Haan.

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  • 1 year later...
Op ‎17‎/‎09‎/‎2013 om 20:02 zei Paul de Haan:



Great recording in this superb quality. I used to listen to 242 for many many hours, they had a good signal in the North of Holland, even when they were in the Irish Sea as Radio Scotland and Ireland.


Paul de Haan

Hi Paul,


Could you please send me a link for this recording again please. I have a problem with my hard drive and some recordings are not backed up like this one!!!


Many thanks



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21 uur geleden zei scotty:

Hi Paul,


Could you please send me a link for this recording again please. I have a problem with my hard drive and some recordings are not backed up like this one!!!


Many thanks



Or if anyone else has the recording I would appreciate your help

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