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3 hours ago, scotty said:

On the 30th the Nightmare Affair was actually broadcast from 1100-1300, so that extract would be 1100-1130.

Exact Expert Scotty

It is clearly said : it's twelve o'clock and not midnight



  • reaction_title_2 1
9 uur geleden zei bert ree:

Hier vond ik nog een aantal opnames terug waarvan de juiste datum nog niet bekend is:
Your file URL:  cloak_login_or_register   

Deze is van 17-09-1973. Joop spreekt van een maandag en zijn hittip is van Charly.

  • reaction_title_1 4
11 hours ago, bert ree said:

Your file URL:  cloak_login_or_register  

Ik heb deze als datum 13-09-1973-13h00-14h00-Tony Houston-SmakelijkEten_ Studio

Gr, Eric

  • reaction_title_1 4
2 uur geleden zei bert ree:

Tony Houston even opnieuw en daarna het vervolg voor het zoeken naar de juiste datum:
Your file URL: cloak_login_or_register

Is dezelfde van 13-09-1973
Your file URL: cloak_login_or_register   

Deze is van 21-04-1974. Men spreekt over 312 mtr en Adriaan's (Van Landschoot) birthday

Your file URL: cloak_login_or_register  

    Deze laatste kwam al eerder aan bod en is van 03-01-1974

  • reaction_title_1 3

  Op 16-1-2019 om 15:05 zei Albatrosstudio:



3 bestanden:

Radio Atlantis 1974 Rob Ronder.mp3 
Radio Atlantis August 1974 Steve England and Andy Anderson.mp3
Radio Atlantis Summer 1974 Scott Mitchell and Gabby Hernandez Omilado Nightmare Affair



jammer link niet meer geldig!

4 uur geleden zei scotty:

The date is 3rd February 1974. The next day they were back on 270 metres.

Ik heb deze, weet niet of het dubbel is:

292.   Testtransmission Radio Atlantis 201 3‑2‑74 Steve England and others     29'

1 hour ago, Vincent said:



Nog eentje van 3 februari.

is nearly similar to the other one (from this morning) and consists of pieces of tests on 201 m :

- Gerard v/d Zee  (probably 14h00-14h30)

then Steve England : 14h30-15h00

- Andy Anderson 19h00-21h00 (+Steve England)

-Steve England at 21h00 (CET) with the M.O.A Parody

Gr, Eric

  • reaction_title_1 2
9 uur geleden zei erco59:

is nearly similar to the other one (from this morning) and consists of pieces of tests on 201 m :

- Gerard v/d Zee  (probably 14h00-14h30)

then Steve England : 14h30-15h00

- Andy Anderson 19h00-21h00 (+Steve England)

-Steve England at 21h00 (CET) with the M.O.A Parody

Gr, Eric

first seconds on the tape was Gerard VDZee on 270m announcing that we will start with test transmissions on 201m

  • reaction_title_1 1
1 uur geleden zei Vincent:

Eric, Bert, thanks!


The next day:




Hi Vincent,


These recordings are the same as the 3rd February. As far as I know Radio Atlantis returned to 270 metres on the 4th.

  • reaction_title_1 1
8 uur geleden zei scotty:

Hi Vincent,


These recordings are the same as the 3rd February. As far as I know Radio Atlantis returned to 270 metres on the 4th.

Yes indeed and 201 was never used anymore.

  • reaction_title_1 1

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