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9 uur geleden zei scotty:

I wonder is that the IBA tests on 557 you can hear in the background before Veronica programmes start? 

It depends from the direction of your antenna of your radio. Here in Belgium with the antenna in the right direction you could receive Veronica, With the antenna in another direction you received Capital.  If you did nothing with the antenna you heard the two stations together.  A lot of people had no idea they had to try several directions of the antenne to find a clear channel, so here the people chose Atlantis. A strong signal from France just next to the channel of RNI made also RNI a not so clear channel.  

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40 minuten geleden zei JOCOOLE:

Beste Roel,

Can you tell me what 192 has to do with these files


John C



It is 192 and not Radio Caroline, because at that time the DJ's on board didn't mentioned the name Caroline. They only say that the test programmes are coming from the MV Mi Amigo.

And 192 is the frequency they broadcast at that time.



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Op 21-8-2023 om 10:44 zei Gerard van den Ende:



I see now that I am wrong.

They were not broadcasting on 192, but on 259 meters.

The tests are without mentioned a station-name, but as from the 6st January 1974 they called them (again) Radio Seagull.


Sorry for Roel and Vincent for giving the wrong information.



Een hele tijd geleden kwam hier ergens het voorstel om die opnames waarbij men Caroline niet opgaf als naam van het station te omschrijven als:


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